Lucia De Santis is a BSc, MSc, PhD and Senior ESHRE Clinical Embryologist. She established and directed until 2010 the IVF Laboratory of San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan. In 2009, the Italian National Health Ministry awarded her a grant on Fertility Preservation. She is lecturer of the University San Raffaele, Padua, Foggia, Rome and Naples and contributed to the manual on EUTCD regulation for Italian IVF laboratories edited by the National Authority (CNT) and the Italian Society of Embryology (SIERR). She is author of many peer-reviewed papers, book chapters and co-editor of a book on Mammalian Oogenesis. She has been for 6 years the Italian ESHRE CNR (Commission of National Representative) and currently part of the Board of Assessors for the ESHRE Centre Certification Programme. She has been Associate Editor of Human Reproduction from 2018 to 2024 and Chair of the Italian Society of Embryology (SIERR) from 2018 to 2022.