Dr Cesar Diaz-Garcia completed his Bachelor’s degree in Medicine at the Autonomous University of Madrid and Pitié-Salpêtrière University in Paris. He specialized in Obstetrics and Gynaecology at La Fe University Hospital of Valencia (University of Valencia), where he was awarded with the Best Resident Award in 2009. He obtained the European PhD at the University of Gothenburg and the University of Valencia under the supervision of Prof Mats Brannstrom.
His scientific career has been devoted to the field of fertility preservation, with special interest on ovarian cortex transplantation, uterus transplantation, follicular activation and poor response in IVF. Dr Diaz-Garcia was part of the first team achieving a live birth after uterus transplantation in humans and was the lead of the Valencian Program for Fertility Preservation, one of the largest fertility preservation programs worldwide.
His academic career goes back to 2011 as an Associate Professor at the Department of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the University of Valencia and from 2020 at the EGA Institute of Women’s Health at University College London.
At the present, he is the Medical Director of IVI London, where he combines his medical duties in the field of infertility with his surgical activities and academic tasks