Prof. dr. C.B. (Nils) Lambalk, MD, PhD Professor Lambalk is a gynaecologist/fertility specialist and works as professor of Reproductive Medicine and Scientific Director of de division of Reproductive Medicine at the department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology of the Amsterdam University Medical Centres, VU University in Amsterdam, The Netherlands and guest professor in the Gynaeco-Urology/Reproductive Medicine, University of Gent, Belgium.
His scientific interests are: neuroendocrinology of reproduction (including GnRH-analogues), physiology of natural twinning, reproductive aging, fertility preservation ,PCOS, embryo quality assessment and implantation.
He has published over 300 papers in international peer-reviewed journals and is a member of the scientific board of several international and national organizations.
Per January 2019 he is Editor in Chief of Human Reproduction.