Ernesto Bosch, M.D., Ph.D.
Director of Instituto Valenciano de Infertilidad-Valencia. University of Valencia. Spain
Ernesto Bosch was born in Philadelphia, USA, in 1968. He completed Medicine School at the University of Valencia in 1992 and from 1993 to 1997, did his Residency in Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Hospital La Fe, Valencia. Ernesto trained in Human Reproduction at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania in 1997; and in 1999, he completed his doctoral thesis on the influence of LH in oocyte quality, with “cum laude” qualification, at the University of Valencia. In January 2000, Ernesto joined the team at the Human Reproduction Unit of the Instituto Valenciano de Infertilidad in Valencia, Spain; in 2008 he obtained the title of Master in Research on Health Sciences, by the Autonomous University if Barcelona. Dr. Bosch has published 81 papers in peer reviewed journals and written more than 50 book chapters in the field of IVF; has given over 250 lectures at international meetings around the world; He belongs to the Editorial Board of Fertility & Sterility, and Reproductive Biomedicine Online and is a regular reviewer for Human Reproduction, and Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology among others. He received the Scientific Program Prize Paper Award at the 2008 Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine. Belonged to the Special Interest Group on Reproductive Endocrinology of the Spanish Fertility Society, and currently to the Special Interest Group on Reproductive Endocrinology of ESHRE. He was the National Representative of the Spanish clinicians at the ESHRE committee between 2014 and 2016 and belonged to the task force that developed the ESHRE guidelines in ovarian stimulation (2019).
In May 2010, Dr. Bosch was appointed Medical Director of the Human Reproduction Unit of the Instituto Valenciano de Infertilidad in Valencia. Since September 2019 he is the Director of the Instituto Valenciano de Infertilidad in Valencia.
In 2018 he obtained an MBA on Healthcare Management by the IMF Business School and University Camilo José Cela from Madrid.
In December 2020 completed a Global Executive MBA by the IE Business School from Madrid with Honours earning the right to belong to Beta Gamma Sigma Business Honour Society.
In March 2021 has completed a course on Management Essentials by Harvard Business School online
In July 2021 completed a course on Disruption in a Digital World at the IE Business School from Madrid.
In March 2022 has completed a course on Data Science and Visualization for Business at the IE Business School from Madrid.