Gemma Casals Soler
Specialist in reproductive medicine at the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona. Associate professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the Universitat de Barcelona. Accredited researcher at the Institut d’Investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer (IDIBAPS). Received the Pere Nubiola Espinós Research Award in 2001. Her main line of research focuses on the investigation on fetal programming in assisted reproductive technologies (ART) and specifically, the differential impact of fresh and frozen embryo transfer on fetal morphological and functional cardiac changes and on fetal neurodevelopment assessing cortical folding by neurosonography, the impact of subfertility per se on cardiac remodeling and the association of corpus luteum substances with the development of preeclampsia in ART pregnancies. Now, her investigation is focused on studying the physiopathology behind pregnancy complications in ART.