Hanna Dusza is a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Population Health Sciences, IRAS, Division of Toxicology at Utrecht University. She received her MSc degree in Environmental Biology from the University of Gdansk, Poland, and a second MSc degree in Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology from VU University, Amsterdam. In 2022, she earned her PhD in Toxicology from Utrecht University. Her doctoral research focused on early life health and the characterization of in utero exposures to environmental pollutants. She developed a novel approach for the analysis of endocrine-disrupting compounds in human amniotic fluid and worked on in vitro placental models to study complex in utero toxicokinetics and toxicity of micro- and nanoplastics (MNPs). She now continues efforts to advance our understanding of toxicological and health effects of environmental pollutants on pregnancy and early life, within the AURORA (EU’s Horizon 2020) and MOMENTUM (ZonMW, the Netherlands) projects.